Check out some options for a Champaign-Urbana area birthday party.
Visiting Curtis Orchard in Champaign with Kids
Champaign-Urbana families love Curtis Orchard and it is no secret. Get your pumpkins, pick those apples and snuggle the kittens while you’re there.
Visiting the Riggs Beergarden with Your Family
Families love to visit the beergarden at Riggs in Urbana, and we offer some reasons why you might consider making the trip yourself.
Where to Have a Birthday Party in Champaign-Urbana
Check out some options for a Champaign-Urbana area birthday party.
Chambanamoms’ 10th Birthday Celebration: Give Back Repack is celebrating its 10th birthday, and you’re invited to join us for a birthday party that involves more than just wine and cake.