Illinois students head back to school in August, but the reality is that parents need to prepare months in advance when it comes to physicals, immunizations, supplies and more
Find out everything you need to know about sending children back to school in Champaign-Urbana
It is a fact that back to school happens in August here in Champaign-Urbana, but reality tells us that parents have months of preparations to make sure they are ready for the first day of school when it arrives.
Thank you to Christie Clinic for presenting our 2024 Champaign-Urbana Area Back to School series
Christie Clinic wants you to give your kids a healthy start to the school year. Parents can currently make back-to-school appointments for their children through their patient portal or by using online scheduling at
Please contact the department for evening or weekend school physical appointment availability.
Find more information about school physicals here.
We have gathered everything you want and need to know about heading back to school in the fall right here.
School Physicals: What’s Required for Illinois Students
Requirements for physicals vary based on what grade your child is entering. Here’s what you’ll need to know about school physicals to get your child ready for the 2024-25 school year. Your doctor will likely have a copy of the Illinois physical form at your appointment, or you can access it here.
Immunizations Required for Illinois Students
Illinois state law says that the latest possible deadline a district may set for submitting a student’s required immunization records is October 15. However, some area school districts require that students going into Pre-K, kindergarten, grades 6 and 12 must submit the state-required immunization records as listed below before they will be allowed to start school in the fall. Check with your district to be sure of the date. All students who are new to a district in any grade will be required to provide complete immunization records.
Dental, Vision Exams Required for Illinois Students
One of the most annoying aspects of parenting is planning ahead for your family’s needs, but getting those back-to-school dental and vision exams on the calendar can make you feel more in control of your summer schedule. These examinations aren’t required for all grades in Illinois, and the first deadline coming up isn’t until mid-October.
Requirements vary based on what grade your child will be entering. Here’s what you’ll need to know to get your child ready to go back to school in the fall.
Save Money on Back to School in Champaign-Urbana: Free Supplies, Backpacks, Haircuts and Health Screenings
The list gets longer every year. Back-to-school haircuts, growing school supply lists, fees to register kids at school, new shoes and so much more … this might be one of the most expensive times of year to be a parent. Thankfully we have area partners who are coming together to support Champaign-Urbana area families during the back-to-school season.
Champaign-Urbana Area School Start Dates
This article contains a listing of public school district start dates for communities in the Champaign County area, including Champaign, Urbana, Mahomet, Monticello, Fisher, St. Joseph, Rantoul and more.
Helping Out at your Child’s School
Navigating opportunities to help out at school can be daunting. Room parent-type opportunities, chaperoning a field trip, mentoring students at lunch or after school, or perhaps stepping into a paid position like lunchroom supervisor or substitute, we have some tips and suggestions on how you can best help your child’s school this year and support teachers and school staff in their important and challenging work.
Preparing for Illness During the School Year
It is not our favorite part of back-to-school, but encountering some sickness throughout the year is inevitable. Hear from our professional on when you can send your child to school and when you must keep them at home.
8 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed
Traditional school supply lists are already available on your school websites and you can venture into Target to find the bright yellow displays of supplies. But what about the things we KNOW you’re going to need sometime during the school year that you won’t find on a school supply list? Yep. This is a thing. And we have a list for it.