When you want to start camping but don’t know where to start, immerse yourself in our compilation of options near Champaign-Urbana.
Where to Buy a Live Christmas Tree Near Champaign-Urbana
There is nothing quite like heading out with your family to pick out the best live Christmas tree in the Champaign-Urbana area.
Visiting Shawnee National Forest with Your Family
We highlight our recommendations for must-see hikes at Shawnee National Forest, located in Southern Illinois.
How to Chop Down Your Own Christmas Tree in the Shawnee National Forest – For $5 (or Less)
If you’re up for a bit of a drive, you can chop down a Christmas tree in a National Forest for just $5. If you have a fourth grader, it’s free!
Top 10 Summer Vacation Ideas in Illinois
Looking for a quick family-friendly vacation outside of Champaign-Urbana? Take a trip to one of these fun locations within day trip driving distance.