Anywhere you could go for a walk or a hike proves to be a great place to try out snowshoeing. No hills required, no road-tripping necessary.
16 Things to Do Before Turning 16 in Champaign-Urbana
We offer 16 things to do before age 16 in the Champaign-Urbana area. Don’t miss out on a single one of these experiences!
Family-Friendly Bike Trails in the Champaign-Urbana Area
Hit the road for some two-wheeled family fun on Champaign-Urbana’s award-winning trails.
10+ Things To Do on Fall Holiday in Champaign-Urbana
Looking for something to do with your kids in the Champaign-Urbana area on Monday, Oct. 14? We’ve got some FREE and cheap ideas.
Bike Month in Champaign-Urbana: Family Cycling and More
Grab your helmets and dust off your bikes: May is Bike Month. Bike trails, rides, tips, events and more for family cycling fun.