If you have a child headed to kindergarten in the fall in the Champaign Unit 4 School district, your school assignment wait will be over soon.
The 2023 kindergarten school assignment letters have started showing up in mailboxes around Champaign and Savoy. The first day of school for Unit 4 kindergarteners is Aug. 14 (parent-teacher conferences). Half of the kindergarteners will attend Aug. 15, the other half on Aug. 16, and all will attend Aug. 17.

The letters historically have been sent in April, although the district has since eliminated its “balanced calendar” whereby some kindergarteners began the school year in July. This is the first year that letters have been sent since Unit 4 altered what used to be called “schools of choice,” now dubbed “student assignment process.” Starting in spring 2021, that system underwent an examination, led by the consulting firm Cooperative Strategies, with the goal of diversifying and balancing the city’s elementary schools. (Students who live in Bondville are automatically assigned to Kenwood Elementary.)
The process is not a simple one but is explained in detail here.
For more Unit 4 registration details or updates, check its website or social media.
RELATED: Our Back-to-School series presented by Christie Clinic is here.