Enrolling Your Kindergarten Student in Urbana Schools for 2022-23
Do you have a student entering the Urbana 116 School District for kindergarten in 2022-23?
It’s still a little bit early and not all information is available, but here’s what we know.
How does Urbana 116 assign students to elementary schools?
Urbana elementary students are assigned schools depending on their address. To figure out your child’s “home school,” check out the map below. In Urbana, children are assigned to schools by where they live; the concept of neighborhood schools is alive and well. See the map below (scroll down) which is up to date. Use this map to figure out which school your child will attend; there are six elementary schools in Urbana.
Each elementary school is hosting a kindergarten open house in late April/early May — visit the district website for open house details.
When do we register our Urbana student?
Urbana will open preregistration for kindergarten students Tuesday, April 5 through Friday, May 7, 2022. Parents will be able to do pre-registration completely online (the forms will be live on April 5) or via hard copy.
Urbana will be hosting a registration event from 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. April 5 at Lincoln Square Mall.
According to Kelly Allen, District 116’s Family Engagement and Curriculum Coordinator, “parents will enter the south doors at Lincoln Square Mall, and stop at the welcome table. Parents will be directed to their school’s table. At their school table parents will receive a registration packet to complete there. They will need proof of residency, photo ID, child’s birth certificate, doctor’s phone numbers, and any health forms ready to turn in. Once they complete the packet, they return to the school table where everything will be verified. If they bring their child with them, they will complete a kindergarten screening with a staff member. They will also receive a kindergarten bag (supplies, book, school activity calendar) to take home. Families can then visit our resource tables to learn more about community resources available.
Other options, according to the District 116 website:
Submit a hard copy of the Kindergarten Pre-Registration forms to the bin labeled “Kindergarten Pre-Registration” at Urbana Early Childhood School (2202 E Washington St) or Urbana School District’s Central Office (1101 E. University, Suite B).
Check out the district’s kindergarten registration website to find more information about kindergarten readiness, key dates and more.
Urbana has a strong dual language education program. How does this work?
Urbana is well known for excellence in its dual language programs. It has six dual language kindergarten classrooms, including five Spanish/English classrooms and one French/English. Schools that support the Dual Language program are Leal Elementary School (Spanish/English), Dr. Preston L. Williams Jr Elementary School (Spanish/English) and Yankee Ridge Elementary School (French/English 1).
- Families must apply for admission into the dual language program in the spring.
- Students can attend a dual language program at a building that isn’t their “home” school.
- The application form is available on the district website.
- In order to be included in the application lottery Urbana School District 116 must also receive your kindergarten pre-registration information by May 6, 2022.
- The application form, along with other information, is available on the Urbana 116 website.
I’m not happy with my child’s “home school” option. Can I petition for a different school?
As stated in the Urbana School District #116 Board of Education Policy (Board Policy Manual, Chapter 7:30 Student Assignment and Intra-District Transfer), parents may request an assignment to an attendance center outside their residential area by making a written request (petition form). For further information on these procedures, call (217) 384-3651. All petitions are due by August 2, 2022.
What’s the deal with summer registration?
According to an Urbana school official, Centralized Registration in July is for new families only. All returning families should use the online registration, which opens May 31. New kindergarten families should register online; they can also drop forms off at the Urbana Central Office or at UECS. They do not need to come to Centralized Registration. Urbana will also have a kindergarten open house at each school where families can pay fees or turn in paperwork.
What documents are needed for me to register my child?
As with most school districts in Illinois, Urbana 116 requires certain documents for enrollment. These include the child’s “proof of age” as well as proof of address.
Email copies of the following documents to kindergarten@usd116.org:
- Parent/guardianPhoto ID (Driver’s License, State ID or Passport)
- Child’s official birth certificate, which has a raised seal. (If your child was born in Champaign County, you may get this from the C-U Public Health Department or the Champaign County Clerk’s office.)
Proof of Residence :
- A current signed lease/mortgage
or 2 of the following listing the parent/guardian name and same address: - driver’s license
- utility bill
- voter registration card
- change of address from the Post Office
Urbana 116 Elementary School Attendance Areas Map

For more information, including Kindergarten Open House dates and times, visit the district’s website.
More on getting your child ready for kindergarten:
Back-to-School: Vision, Dental and Physical Exams Required for Illinois Schoolchildren
Back to School: Immunizations Required for Illinois Schoolchildren