Please remember that events may be canceled or rescheduled last minute due to unpredictable weather or other factors. We encourage you to reach out to event organizers before heading out to an event to verify it is still happening.
Date(s) - 10/05/2024
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
October is National Arts and Humanities Month, and this event celebrates the vibrant creativity that flows through CU. Each of the participating artists has a designated space where their artwork happens, and this event provides an opportunity to share their studio space and creative process with the community. The organizers feel it will be an invigorating day! You can expect to see work in progress, finished work on display, interesting tools and supplies, or work for sale. Each artist will offer their own unique experience.
Participating artists:
Viktoria Ford
Kelly H Whiting
Lisa Kesler
Gary Beaumont
Olly Greer
Kim Curtis
Barb Curtis
Ann Coddington
Robert Peterson
Steven Hudson
Tom Brewer
Click here for a map of the studios.